Home \ News \ Implantation of TiAra aortic heart valve was made in the Meshalkin National Medical Research Center for the first time.

Implantation of TiAra aortic heart valve was made in the Meshalkin National Medical Research Center for the first time.

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Implantation of TiAra aortic heart valve was made in the Meshalkin National Medical Research Center for the first time. 19.06.2019 10:25

Together with aortic insufficiency the patient was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and insufficiency of the tricuspid valve. In the course of interference surgeons performed aortic valve replacement using a new type of prosthesis, cryoablation of the left atrium and plastic surgery of the tricuspid heart valve. According to the specialists the results of the first experience of use of the bioprosthesis allow to recommend it for surgical treatment of aortic valve disease of the aged people.

Every year in Russia we see the growing number of the patients who need replacement of the aortic heart valve as a result of the blood flow impairment – stenosis of aortic valve and aortic insufficiency. Today bioprosthetics is the gold standard for this category of patients . Two types of bioprostheses –stented and stentless- are widely used in medical practice. Each type has its own specific features. Implantation of stented valves is quite easy, however, not in the case with the “narrow fibrous ring”. They have one more drawback, particularly, significant residual transprosthetic gradient ( pressure difference between the left ventricular cavity and aorta), when small diameter prostheses are used.

Notwithstanding a number of advantages of the stentless bioprostheses, such as good transprosthetic hemodynamics , convenience of implantation in the case of the small diameter of fibrous ring , wide use of this type of device in the clinical practice is limited by high complexity of the implantation techniques and more strict requirements to the aortic root anatomy; the relative restrains are bileaflet valve and wide fibrous ring.

«“Among the advantages of the new device one can name easiness of implantation techniques, which allows to reduce the time of the main stage of operation, and provides for opportunity of operative interference for the patients with narrow fibrous ring. A new bioprosthesis demonstrates low transprosthetic gradient, due to this it becomes possible to anticipate its long-term operation with minimal risk of dysfunction development”,- notes Aleksandr V. Bogachev-Prokofyev the head of the New Surgical Technology Center of National Medical Research Center

The valve is created with flexible nitinol stent . The bileaflet unit and casing are made from bovine pericardium. The device may be used for the patients who need one-stage treatment of the concomitant pathologies.

In more detail about “TiAra” prosthesis"

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