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"TiAra" Aortic Valve Bioprosthesis Implantation

Training Course

"TiAra" Aortic Valve Bioprosthesis Implantation

Стасев А.Н.


Cardiovascular Surgeon, PhD. Alexander Stasev


Federal State Budgetary Institution ""Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases"" Kemerovo 


JSC “NeoCor” offers permanent training programme to cardiac surgeons. This is an individual programme on implantation of artificial heart valve “TiAra”, providing for participation of the experienced surgeon and support of the clinician in further work.The training program for cardiovascular surgeons provides insight into the specific features of the surgery, elaboration of the operating pattern, which ensures precision in execution of surgical intervention. To consolidate the skills obtained during the training we recommend to perform 1or 2 operations within 10 days after the training, upon return to the place of work.

    ФГБНУ НИИ КПССЗ г. Кемерово


This course is suited to cardiac surgeons.



Two-day* training program:

Day 1 - Lecture: Features of Tiara aortic valve bioprosthesis implantation.

- Lecturer: PhD Stasev Alexander

- Hands-on: practice implantation skills in porcine hearts

- Discussion

Day 2 - Live case: Tiara aortic valve bioprosthesis implantation. Surgeon: PhD Stasev Alexander

- Discussion

* - Neocor covers travel expenses, the cost of accommodation and meals. To learn more, sign up for training course and find out logistics information: follow this link

Learn more about TiAra valve bioprosthesis

JSC NeoCor, OGRN 1024200695991, address: Bulvar imeni akademika L.S. Barbarasha 6, Kemerovo, 650002, Russia