Home \ News \ Satellite symposium “Complex aspects of bioprosthetics: the focus is on the new products” the 25 All-Russian Congress of Cardio-vascular Surgeons

Satellite symposium “Complex aspects of bioprosthetics: the focus is on the new products” the 25 All-Russian Congress of Cardio-vascular Surgeons

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Satellite symposium “Complex aspects of bioprosthetics: the focus is on the new products” the 25 All-Russian Congress of Cardio-vascular Surgeons 21.10.2019 13:22

    Company “NeoCor” invites you to visit its demonstration stand and become a participant of the 25 All-Russian Congress of Cardio-vascular Surgeons, held from 10th to 13th November 2019.

      Venue:A.N. Bakulev National Medical Research Center of Cardiovascular Surgery 135 Rublevskoye shosse, Moscow

Some of the new designs may be of particular interest to the cardiac surgeons.

The Company specialists will be happy to communicate directly with the surgeons and managers of the cardiovascular clinics.

The satellite symposium«“Complex aspects of bioprosthetics the focus is on the new product”»

The Satellite symposium will be held on 10th November 2019

Time: 2.15- 4.30 p.m.

The presiding persons: Doctor of Medical Sciences A.V. Bogachev-Prokofyev (Novosibirsk) and Doctor of Medical Sciences A.V. Yevtushenko (Kemerovo).

Programme of the Symposium:

  1. «“ Ways of dealing with the problem of narrow fibrous rings in the surgery of aortic valve”», Speaker: A.V. Bogachev-Prokofyev (Novosibirsk) 
  2. «“Valve Bioprosthesis and narrow aorta”», Speaker -  A.V. Yevtushenko (Kemerovo)
  3. «“Advancements in reconstructive surgery of aortic root”», R.N. Komarov (Moscow).
  4. «“Repetitive surgery in case of dysfunctions of bioprostheses”», speaker – A.N. Stasev (Kemerovo).
  5. «“The first meeting with TiAra. Love or sympathy?”», speaker P.A. Vavilov (Saratov).

Discussion- 30 minutes.

TARGET AUDIENCE: cardiovascular surgeons specializing in cardiac surgery of acquired diseases.


If you want to arrange the time of meeting at our demonstration stand or to register for the Symposium click on the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LLgvQnn0T78Jv3p0dZ5yRI1_ceKOoZLtS9LZTn2SQlQ

CJSC NeoCor, OGRN 1024200695991, address: 6 Sosnovy boulevard, Kemerovo, 650002, Russia